House debates

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

  • Defence (7 speeches)
    Greg Sheridan, in an excellent article this week or last week, outlined the real defence dangers to Australia. We have an alignment now of Russia, China and North Korea—a mad dog country;...
  • Gordon, Dr Ash, Menzies Electorate: Chinese New Year (1 speech)
    A few days ago we saw the horrific news of a grandmother killed, murdered, in front of her granddaughter. The alleged perpetrator is a teenager. For many in my electorate, in Victoria and in...
  • Cost of Living (1 speech)
    We are in a fight against inflation. When we came to government, inflation was 6.1 per cent. It peaked at nearly eight per cent in December 2022 and is moderating, with just over four per cent...
  • Youth Justice (1 speech)
    Many years ago, when I was in the Victorian police forces as a sergeant in what's called the Melbourne CBD, the shopkeepers came to me because they were getting sick and tired of youth crime and...
  • Medicare (2 speeches)
    This is a bit of a love letter to Medicare. I note that this month is the 40th anniversary of Medicare. There have been some positive times for Medicare and some really challenging times. I'm a...