House debates

Thursday, 8 February 2024

  • Western Australia: Hospitals (1 speech)
    The hospital system in Western Australia is in crisis. Today, I rise for the 10th time in this place to call on WA Premier, Roger Cook, and his Labor MPs to do their jobs and fix our health...
  • Black Saturday Bushfires (1 speech)
    Yesterday, we commemorated 15 years since one of Australia's worst disasters: the Black Saturday bushfires. The day 7 February 2009 is etched in our memory. It is a day that forever changed the...
  • Lindsay Electorate (1 speech)
    The Lindsay team and I have been making thousands of calls—from Luddenham to Londonderry, from Emu Heights to Colyton—about issues that matter most. The No. 1 issue for people in my...
  • Reid Electorate: Lunar New Year (1 speech)
    Xinnian kuaile. Gongxi facai. Chuc mung nam moi. Saehae bok mani badeuseyo. Happy Lunar New Year! This is a tradition shared by so many cultures across Asia as well as throughout my electorate of...
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Visas (1 speech)
    Exactly a year and a day ago, I stood in parliament and shared the story of Jan Ali Haidari, a Hazara Afghani refugee who arrived in Australia in 2011. I said of Jan: He has been living in an...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    It was heartbreaking to learn this morning that the prospect of a ceasefire in the awful war in Gaza will not proceed at this time. It means more than 100 Israeli hostages remain in captivity....
  • Mental Health: Youth (1 speech)
    The lack of adolescent mental health services on Sydney's northern beaches is a serious problem for my community. The number of 12 to 17-year-olds presenting to hospital EDs with self-harm...
  • Spence Electorate: Ministerial Visit (1 speech)
    If there's one thing I enjoy more than walking the streets of my electorate of Spence speaking to constituents and local business owners it is doing just that with the ministers of the Albanese...
  • McMahon, Mr John, OAM (1 speech)
    I would like to acknowledge and remember the incredible life of local cricket legend John McMahon. John recently passed away at the age of 91. Playing his first game of cricket at the age of nine...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    They are at it again. The Liberals and Nationals are out there, scaring Australians and making stuff up rather than explaining why they're now supporting Labor's cost-of-living tax cuts. What...
  • Albanese Government (20 speeches)
    Remember when Prime Minister Albanese said, 'Life will be better under Labor'? Well, we've seen this week that Australians can't trust a word out of this Prime Minister's mouth. Despite his...
  • Priceline Pharmacy Kincumber (1 speech)
    I know that Australia's favourite pharmacist and member for Dobell, Emma McBride, will join me in congratulating Priceline Pharmacy Kincumber on being named one of the six finalists in the 2024...
  • Economy (1 speech)
    Our grandparents lived in a very fractious time, a very dangerous time. We, on the balance of things, have lived in a pretty good time. But, unfortunately, it's changing again. The world is...
  • Taxation (3 speeches)
    We know that Australians are doing it tough with the cost of living. While inflation is moderating, household budgets are still under pressure. That's why this week the Albanese Labor government...
  • Capricornia Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    Last week marked a significant milestone in the journey of the Rockhampton Ring Road, a project that has weathered challenges, with the full funding now being committed. More than 15 months have...
  • Hunter Electorate: Wambo Coal Singleton Hall of Fame (1 speech)
    I rise today to congratulate the six new additions that have been inducted into the Wambo Coal Singleton Hall of Fame. Val Smith has for more than half a century donated her time and skills...
  • Australian Passport Office (1 speech)
    All members have received emails like these from Danielle, Darko and Stephanie, which I received in my office: 'I'm writing in desperation. My son's passport, which I lodged four months ago,...
  • Papua New Guinea (1 speech)
    I'm reflecting on the address today by the Hon. James Marape. He noted that Australians often don't understand just how much history we have in common. I have to agree, if only because my...
  • Wine Industry (3 speeches)
    I rise to highlight concerns for wine growers across the Riverina and Murray Valley in my electorate of Farrar, the largest wine-producing region in New South Wales. The ongoing wine tariff...