House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members


4:07 pm

Photo of Josh WilsonJosh Wilson (Fremantle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

At a time when Australian households have been under pressure, the Albanese government is delivering tax cuts in July for all Australian workers. We're delivering the full value of the stage 3 tax cuts but in a way that is fairer and better suited to the circumstances, with low- and middle-income taxpayers to get more in tax relief under our plan. In fact, a person on an average income of about $73,000—for example, a nurse at Freo hospital or a primary school teacher in Hammond Park or Treeby—will get twice as much tax relief under Labor's responsible and responsive tax cuts than under the short-sighted package that was locked in under the chaotic Morrison government.

Through our fair and sensible tax cuts, 84 per cent of all workers will get more relief, 90 per cent of all working women will get more relief and 96 per cent of workers between 18 and 24 years of age will get a bigger tax cut from our package. People should remember that the same coalition that produced a decade of waste and rorts, a decade of deficits and deliberately low wages, continues to argue for their package, which was worse for 84 per cent of all workers, worse for 90 per cent of women and worse for 96 per cent of young workers. We don't accept that. We didn't accept it. That's why we made the change to deliver the tax cuts in full, but in a way that is fairer and better—fairer and better in my electorate of Fremantle; fairer and better right around the country and for Australia as a whole.