House debates

Monday, 12 February 2024

Statements by Members

Albanese Government

1:57 pm

Photo of Tony PasinTony Pasin (Barker, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) Share this | | Hansard source

Those opposite are setting up quite a legacy. It's a path that's littered with broken promises. There are higher electricity costs despite the Prime Minister promising to save Australians $275 on their electricity bills. There are higher mortgages—12 increases—under those opposite, despite them telling us we'd have cheaper mortgages. There are lower real wages, despite, again, those opposite saying they would come to government and drive up real wages. And then, of course, there's the mother of all broken promises: a commitment to walking away from the stage 3 tax cuts, despite the now Prime Minister telling us a hundred times between his time in opposition and his time in government that he would do nothing of the sort.

This desire for higher taxes seems to continue unabated. They're on retirees, they're on transport operators and they're on farmers. Now we've learned those opposite have also got a plan to tax your ute and your SUV. It's a carbon tax on your favourite drive. In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, our Prime Minister wants to make it more expensive for the tradies and farmers of this world to get a ute, while making it cheaper for the bankers of Australia to drive their Teslas. Well done, PM! (Time expired)