House debates

Thursday, 2 November 2006

Parliamentary Zone

Approval of Proposal

9:09 am

Photo of Bruce BillsonBruce Billson (Dunkley, Liberal Party, Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

On behalf of the Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, I move:

That, in accordance with section 5 of the Parliament Act 1974, the House approves the following proposal for work in the Parliamentary Zone which was presented to the House on 30 October 2006, namely: Reconciliation Place artworks.

The National Capital Authority, in consultation with the Office of Indigenous Coordination, has developed a design proposal for three new artworks at Reconciliation Place. The proposed artworks focus on the themes of the Torres Strait Islands, fire and water, and art within the context of reconciliation. The proposed artworks are to be located on the western promenade of Reconciliation Place adjacent to Questacon. The placement and configuration of the artwork allows for a variety of interpretive experiences and all artworks will incorporate in-ground lighting.

The proposed artworks will complement existing art located on the western promenade of Reconciliation Place, including the separation, strength, service and sacrifice and Ngunnawal artworks. The National Capital Authority also proposes to install a single post with a top mounted light to the north-west existing Gatjil Djerrkura stone artwork. The National Capital Authority has advised that it is prepared to grant works approval to the proposal pursuant to section 12(1)(b) of the Australian Capital Territory Planning and Land Management Act 1988. The approval of both houses is sought under section 5(1) of the Parliament Act 1974 for the three proposed Reconciliation Place artworks and the post light. I commend the motion to the House.     

Question agreed to.


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