House debates

Monday, 4 December 2006

Hon. Kim Beazley

2:00 pm

Photo of John HowardJohn Howard (Bennelong, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

On indulgence, on behalf of the Liberal and National parties, I would like to congratulate the member for Griffith on being elected as leader of the federal parliamentary Labor Party. It is an incredible honour to be elected leader of any political party in this chamber, and to be elected as leader of Australia’s oldest continuous party, the Australian Labor Party, is a very significant honour. I know the member has worked very hard for it. In that context I offer him my unreserved congratulations. I would also like to congratulate the member for Lalor on being elected as deputy leader.

I join the Leader of the Opposition in expressing my genuine sorrow for the member for Brand. The member for Brand and I have been political adversaries for many years now. In the years of the Hawke-Keating governments we had a lot to do with each other. In the years of my government we have also had a lot to do with each other—for some seven years as opposite numbers. He is a decent man who has served the Labor Party with great loyalty and great commitment all of his adult life. I feel particularly for him today at the death of his brother and for his elderly parents. I served in the parliament with his father—he is a lovely man.

It is a brutal game, politics, and it has all happened in a way that must be very hurtful to him. I wish him well.

I look forward to the months ahead.


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