House debates

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Italian Consulate, South Australia

9:40 pm

Photo of Christopher PyneChristopher Pyne (Sturt, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Education, Apprenticeships and Training) Share this | Hansard source

I regard this speech as being in continuation, given the rude and rough behaviour of the Labor government with respect to this matter. (Quorum formed) In excess of 64 letters have been received from business, community organisations and stakeholders in support of maintaining Italian consular services in Adelaide and Brisbane. I have no doubt that the member for Makin, Tony Zappia, supports me in my call for the Italian consulate to remain open in Adelaide, let alone the member for Brisbane, Teresa Gambaro, who I am sure would also support me.

Australian parliaments have heard and supported motions and speeches on this issue on eight separate occasions. A protest organised at the Italian consulate in my electorate brought out hundreds of people to rally in support of maintaining this vital organ of the Italian community. I spoke at the rally—in Italian and not English. In spite of this overwhelming reaction, the Adelaide and Brisbane consuls are far from safe. Indeed, the person who has the ability to say 'si' and end the ongoing speculation that has lasted for two years is Senator Alfredo Mantica. I am advised that Senator Mantica will be travelling to Sydney, Melbourne and Perth but does not have trips planned to Brisbane or Adelaide, where the Italian community is most in need of his presence. I am advised by a constituent in my electorate that they are disappointed that Senator Mantica appears to be snubbing them and their views by not visiting Adelaide and not engaging with them on this crucial issue that is relevant to the Italian community now and will be into the future. I take this opportunity to remind Senator Mantica of the strong and resounding voice of the Italian community in my electorate and their will for the Italian consular services to remain intact. I am sure the member for Hindmarsh would agree with me. In spite of his Greek background, he would support this multicultural service. I invite Senator Mantica to my electorate and to use the opportunity while he is in Australia to visit both me and my constituents to strengthen the bonds between Australia and Italy. (Time expired)


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