House debates

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Gillard Government

9:51 pm

Photo of Scott BuchholzScott Buchholz (Wright, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I call on Australians to wear black on 24 June to commemorate the Prime Minister's first anniversary of becoming Prime Minister and to mark the death of fiscal responsibility. My electorate is one that does not rely on the resources sector, but my mums and dads are struggling and my businesses are struggling. (Quorum formed)

It has been recorded that my electorate of Wright is the economic weathervane of the nation. It is my responsibility to represent the silent majority that are struggling with record defaults on mortgages. When we have a look at the cost-of-living pressures that burden my electorate at the moment and you start to join the dots as to why they are struggling to put food on the table and why they are running their credit card debt up, and when we start to have a look at some of the taxes that have been imposed since this government came to office—the alcopops tax announced on 27 April that is expected to raise $3.1 billion over four years, a new tax on Australians working overseas announced in May 2009 that is expected to raise—(Time expired)


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