House debates

Monday, 1 August 2022

Statements by Members

Wright Electorate: Council of Mayors

4:43 pm

Photo of Scott BuchholzScott Buchholz (Wright, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

On 7 September this House will host a delegation travelling from Queensland, particularly from the south-east corner, and it is the Council of Mayors. The Council of Mayors is made up of seven shires from the south-east corner from the Gold Coast and North Coast and out as far as the Lockyer Valley in Somerset, of which my electorate takes up 7½ thousand kilometres. They do amazing work up there advocating with the federal government to raise capital, in particular with the Olympic Games in 2032 being hosted in Brisbane. They will work constructively with both sides of government, and I acknowledge the work they have done with us and the many millions of dollars that our government has forwarded to the Council of Mayors for programs in their electorates. We will continue to encourage them to develop South-East Queensland until it becomes one of the growth corridors of this nation.

I'd like to acknowledge three state members from the LNP who sit within my electorate: Jim McDonald, from the state electorate of Lockyer Valley; Jon Krause, the state member for Beaudesert, or Scenic Rim; and Ros Bates, from over at Mudgeeraba. My electorate sits completely within those three shires, and I just could not have won the last election without their support. A shout-out to them and their supporters for the work they do in getting me re-elected. I acknowledge the amazing work that they do in their communities.


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