House debates

Monday, 14 August 2006

  • Asylum Seekers (2 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Can the Prime Minister confirm that, following his announcement today, women and children who land on excised islands will still be locked up on Nauru? Does...
  • Middle East (2 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Would the minister inform the House of the government’s reaction to the United Nations resolution on the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict?
  • Transport Security (2 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Transport and Regional Services. Can the minister confirm that the Inspector of Transport Security only works part time? Can the minister confirm that, despite...
  • Economy (7 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Treasurer. Would the Treasurer outline to the House why disciplined economic management is more important than ever in the maintenance of low interest rates and...
  • Interest Rates (17 speeches)
    My question is to the Treasurer. Does the Treasurer recall saying to Laurie Oakes on the Sunday program on 27 February 2005: If you see a single digit in front of your interest rate, that’s...
  • National Security (2 speeches)
    My question is to the Attorney-General. In light of the terror plot in the United Kingdom, would the Attorney-General update the House on Australia’s national security arrangements?
  • Aviation Security (4 speeches)
    My question without notice is to the Minister for Transport and Regional Services. I refer the minister to the alleged involvement of an airport employee in the plan to detonate liquid explosives...
  • Fuel Prices (6 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Does the Prime Minister recall, in April 2001, his Treasurer rejecting David Trebeck’s fuel tax inquiry recommendation to place an excise on LPG? Does...
  • Australian Defence Force (2 speeches)
    My question is addessed to the Minister for Defence. Would the minister update the House on the role of the Australian Defence Force in deterring terrorist activities in Australia and our region?
  • Fuel Prices (4 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. Has the Prime Minister read the editorial in today’s Australian newspaper which backs Labor’s plan to establish a gas to liquids fuels industry...
  • Exports (8 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade. Would the Deputy Prime Minister inform the House how Australia’s manufacturers are performing in international...
  • Fuel Prices (5 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer the Prime Minister to media reports that his government will offer subsidies of $1,000 for the purchase of new LPG cars and $2,000 for the conversion...
  • Medicare (6 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Minister for Human Services. Would the minister inform the House what action the government is taking to make Medicare rebates easier to claim?
  • Fuel Prices (2 speeches)
    My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to the fact that, as a result of record high petrol prices, service stations around Australia are experiencing a greater number of...
  • Workplace Relations (17 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. Would the minister inform the House of the latest figures showing the uptake of Australian workplace agreements...
  • Mr Gregory Andrews (16 speeches)
    My question is to the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Did the minister or a member of his office assist Mr Gregory Andrews to prepare for his anonymous interview...
  • Medical Education and the Medical Workforce (3 speeches)
    My question is addressed to the Minister for Health and Ageing. Would the minister advise the House of decisions made at the recent COAG meeting to provide more doctors and nurses and a better...