House debates

Monday, 11 September 2017

  • Thompson Square, Windsor (5 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) Thompson Square, Windsor, is Australia's only surviving Georgian public town square; (b) in 1810 Governor Lachlan Macquarie proclaimed Thompson Square...
  • Skilled Migration Program (9 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) recognises the importance of the actions of this Government in abolishing the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) program to ensure that the interests of...
  • Melanoma and LEGO Surf Rescue (4 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that: (a) Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world and that melanoma is the most common cancer in young Australians aged 15 to 39;...
  • Defence Industry (13 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) the Government's record $200 billion investment in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) capabilities represents a unique opportunity for Australian...
  • Higher Education (8 speeches)
    I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) regional universities: (i) play an active role in developing regional economies and contributing to the social and cultural development of their...