Senate debates

Monday, 19 June 2006

Excise Laws Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006; Excise Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006; Customs Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006; Customs Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006

In Committee

1:03 pm

Photo of Richard ColbeckRichard Colbeck (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance and Administration) Share this | Hansard source

As Senator Murray indicated he expected, the government will not be supporting the amendments. That is not to say that we are not interested in some of the issues he has raised. I am certainly aware that there is some interest, particularly in relation to low-strength RTDs. As a parent with three children between 18 and 25, I see a bit of that stuff go through the fridges at my place and at some of the parties my children attend. It certainly is an interest but I think best dealt with in the context of an overall alcohol debate, as has already been indicated by Senator Stephens. I indicate that there remains some interest within the government in addressing that as an issue, given the concern we have about alcohol use and particularly alcohol abuse.

I am aware of Senator Murray’s longstanding interest in this and I note some correspondence to the Treasurer going back to 2003 in relation to this and also to the matter of brandy. I have here some correspondence that the Treasurer, Mr Costello, has sent back to Senator Murray in relation to that, so I will not address those things particularly at this time but indicate that the government will not be supporting the amendments.

Question negatived.

Bill agreed to.



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