Senate debates

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Privileges Committee; Report

2:14 pm

Photo of George BrandisGeorge Brandis (Queensland, Liberal Party, Shadow Attorney-General) Share this | Hansard source

I present the 136th report of the Senate Standing Committee of Privileges entitled Persons referred to in the Senate: Mr Barry Williams, President of the Lone Fathers Association Australia Inc.

Ordered that the report be printed.

by leave—I move:

That the report be adopted.

This report is the 53rd in a series of reports recommending a right of reply be accorded to persons who claim to have been adversely affected by being referred to either by name or in such a way as to be readily identified in the Senate. It concerns an application by Mr Barry Williams, President of the Lone Fathers Association Australia Incorporated, for a response to remarks made about him by Senator Siewert in a question without notice on 3 December 2008. The application was forwarded to the committee by the President on 3 February 2009. The committee has considered the submission against the criteria set out in privilege resolution 5 and recommends that the proposed response be incorporated in Hansard.

The committee reminds the Senate that in matters of this nature it does not judge the truth or otherwise of statements made by honourable senators or the persons referred to. Rather, it ensures that these persons’ submissions and, ultimately, the responses it recommends accord with the criteria set out in privilege resolution 5. I commend the motion to the Senate.


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