Senate debates

Thursday, 19 November 2009


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

6:00 pm

Photo of Julian McGauranJulian McGauran (Victoria, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I wish to discuss the motion that the Senate take note of the following document: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: outlook report 2009. In the Canberra Times on Tuesday this week there was a report that said that the Great Barrier Reef has less than a fifty-fifty chance of surviving until 2050. It is reported that Climate Change Alliance scientists are saying that emissions would have to be reduced by 90 per cent by 2050. Not even the Greens, as extreme as they are, are pitching for that figure. This group of scientists is pitching for a 90 per cent reduction in emissions below the 2000 level. As I say, not even the Greens have pitched their extremism that far. I think they go for 80 per cent—very close. The point is that these scientists have just set up a straw man, claiming without evidence that if the temperature around the Great Barrier Reef was to increase greater than two to three degrees the reef would be burnt and singed, and would not exist after the year 2050.

I bring this extremism to the Senate’s attention because this is one of the icons that the extremists in this climate change debate put up. They have got several icons and I wish to go through them, but this particular pitch and its degree of absurdity ought to be brought to the Senate’s attention. Of course, those scientists believe Australia—to save the Great Barrier Reef—ought to introduce an emissions trading scheme next week, pre-Copenhagen, and that Australia’s own emissions trading scheme, forget the world, will save the Great Barrier Reef.

Not even the world believes that, because the world has put off Armageddon, if you have not noticed. The world leaders in Canada, the United States, APEC and the United Nations group that met in Barcelona have all put off Armageddon and now, as we get closer to Copenhagen, the deal is slipping further. As I say, this is the tactic of discredited scientists just seeking research dollars, United Nations committees just seeking relevance, and politicians—particularly from the other side—just seeking votes. These are the extreme tactics and views.

The Great Barrier Reef is the great icon—there are others such as the Antarctic—that they put up to justify their extreme position on climate change. I should add that these scientists do not even give any credence—as the other side doesn’t—to natural changes in climate. We have not heard about that from the other side. We have not heard them say anything about factoring it in. These scientists have not factored it in to any change that may occur in the Great Barrier Reef. I dare say the Great Barrier Reef has been changing over the last tens of thousands, if not millions, of years. No—the other side, these scientists and half of the scientists in CSIRO do not factor natural climate change into their calculations at all. They put it all down to man-made climate change and the emissions effect.

The Antarctic is the other great icon they put up. Their views are discredited. Our own Curtin University in Western Australia has recognised in undisputed research that the Antarctic is not melting. I notice that has gone off the map. Even the high priestess, Senator Wong, does not use that as a great icon. Another one she does use is the great Murray River, saying that the whole drying up of the Murray River is a great effect of climate change. What a load of rubbish. The Adelaide population has doubled. Usage by the farmers has doubled. It is true that we are in the grip of an exceptional drought but that is because of El Nino. That is the source of the drought. They cannot relate it to man-made climate change. Senator McEwen was in here today talking about bushfires but time will run out before I can rip that particular idiocy apart.


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