Senate debates

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Questions without Notice


2:04 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

Listen to all the ‘guffaws’. The opposition might like to laugh when they remind the Australian people that they went to the last election with a nearly $11 billion black hole in their election costings. Perhaps they would like to remind the Australian people that their flood package had $700 million in double counting. They might remind the Australian people that they are blocking savings measures here in this chamber that come close to $5 billion.

Yes, they have gone very quiet. They talk the talk but will not walk the walk. They talk the talk but will not make the hard decisions. With a $10.6 billion black hole, blocking $5 billion in savings and $700 million in double counting in their flood package they have the temerity to come into this chamber and tell this Senate that they are the party that are fiscally responsible. What a complete joke! One wonders where some of their spokespeople are—and I will come to this subsequently—because the opposition are being completely fiscally irresponsible at the moment. (Time expired)


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