Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Personal Explanations

3:17 pm

Photo of Stephen ParryStephen Parry (Tasmania, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Before moving to the next item of business, I would like to return to the matter raised by Senator Macdonald and the subsequent point of order raised by Senator Faulkner. Senator Macdonald, you raised a matter for which you would not need leave if it had been correct under standing order 191, 'Explanation of speeches'. Because it was not in the context of a speech that you were involved in or a speech given—it was more relating to a question—standing order 191 is not applicable. But Senator Faulkner was right in his point of order that 190 is applicable. Senator Faulkner also alluded to the fact that traditionally these things happen after taking note. That may or may not be correct. It has happened on many occasions. You do have the right, though, Senator Macdonald, to seek leave at any time to make a personal explanation. In giving that personal explanation you may not debate the issue. Senator Macdonald, the matter is in your hands. You have already canvassed the matter to the chamber, but if you wish to seek leave to make a personal explanation I will have that now if you would like to deal with it now.


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