Senate debates

Thursday, 22 September 2011

  • Sri Lanka (4 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate—   (a)   notes:      (i)   a roundtable meeting held in Federal Parliament supported a call for Sri...
  • Libya (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate—   (a)   notes:      (i)   the courage, determination and sacrifice of the Libyan people since...
  • Passports for Sex and Gender Diverse People (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate notes:   (a)   the new guidelines announced by the Government that make it easier for sex and gender diverse people to get a passport in their...
  • Finance Minister of the Year Award (8 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate congratulates the Treasurer (Mr Swan) on winning Euromoney's Finance Minister of the Year award for his stewardship, backed by measures negotiated in the Australian...