Senate debates

Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Newstart Allowance

4:19 pm

Photo of Rachel SiewertRachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | | Hansard source

Before moving general business notice of motion No. 228, I wish to inform the chamber that Senator Dodson will also sponsor the motion. I, and also on behalf of Senator Dodson, move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

  (i) in December 2018, the Department of Social Services (the Department) figures recorded that 199,907 Newstart recipients had a 'partial capacity to work' meaning they are disabled or have an illness that prevents them from working 30 hours per week,

  (ii) when the Department released figures to June 2019, it was revealed that the Department had been under-reporting the number of people with a 'partial capacity to work' and there were in fact 284,900 on Newstart with 'partial capacity to work' in December 2018,

  (iii) figures to June 2019, show there are now 289,489, of a total of 686,000 people on Newstart, who are categorised as having a 'partial capacity to work' meaning 42% of Newstart recipients now have an illness or disability,

  (iv) only 14.5% of people with a 'partial capacity to work' are reporting earnings,

  (v) the inquiry into the jobactive program, undertaken by the Education and Employment References Committee, found that the employment services framework is not fit for purpose, and

  (vi) the jobactive system is making people sick and depressed and exacerbating existing conditions;

(b) expresses its deep concern that:

  (i) 42% of Newstart recipients who are sick and disabled people are struggling to pay bills often forced to choose between a meal or medicine, while looking for work, and

  (ii) jobactive and disability employment services (DES) are not adequately supporting sick and disabled people; and

(c) calls on the Federal Government to make it a priority to help alleviate poverty by immediately increasing Newstart.

Question agreed to.