Senate debates

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

New South Wales Flood

3:56 pm

Photo of Sandy MacdonaldSandy Macdonald (NSW, National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I, and also on behalf of all senators from New South Wales, move the motion, as amended:

That the Senate—

notes the extensive and destructive flooding of the New South Wales Central Coast and Hunter region of New South Wales over the long weekend of 9 June to 11 June 2007;
recognises the pain and loss being experienced by affected communities particularly with respect to the loss of life, property, housing, buildings, roads and community infrastructure;
congratulates all levels of government and community organisations, particularly police, ambulance, Australian Defence Force, state emergency service personnel from far and wide, rescue crews and all those responding to the human heartache and loss brought about by this natural disaster; and
acknowledges the enduring capacity of the Australian people to respond to the needs of its community in times of distress.

Question agreed to.